Deposited Plan No. 1248

Outcote Bank: Six New Houses and Outbuildings


Deposited Plan Number:1248
Date:12 December 1883
Plans Register:1869-1886
Street:Outcote Bank
Property Name / Number:no data
Area:no data
Grid Reference:no data
Building Project:Six New Houses and Outbuildings
Type:Residential / Domestic
Applicant:Abraham Graham
Applicant Address:Manchester Road, Huddersfield
Architect:H.S. Heppenstall
Architect Address:no data
Status of Project:
Disapproved - No open space as required by Acts, should be disapproved.
Contractor:no data
Contractor Address:no data
Work Commenced:no data
Work Completed:no data
Occupants:no data
Subsequent Alterations / History:no data
English Heritage Listing:no data
Location of Archives:Kirklees West Yorkshire Archives
Buildings of Huddersfield ID:1222

Additional Information

The project sets out plans for a row of six one up and one down cottages with an attic and keeping cellar and kitchen in the basement, on a yard at Outcote Bank. The land slopes to the road, and there is little space for the development.