Deposited Plan No. 1222

Queen Street South / St. Paul's Street: Lavatorys and Smoke Room


Deposited Plan Number:1222
Date:12 July 1883
Plans Register:1869-1886
Street:Queen Street South / St. Paul's Street
Property Name / Number:Exhibition Buildings
Area:no data
Grid Reference:no data
Building Project:Lavatorys and Smoke Room
Type:Temporary public building - additions & alterations
Applicant:Exhibition Committee (Huddersfield Fine Art & Industrial Exhibition)
Applicant Address:no data
Architect:Edward Hughes (F.R.I.B.A.)
Architect Address:Lord Street, Huddersfield.
Status of Project:
Approved - temporary building.
Contractor:no data
Contractor Address:no data
Work Commenced:no data
Work Completed:no data
Occupants:no data
Subsequent Alterations / History:no data
English Heritage Listing:no data
Location of Archives:Kirklees West Yorkshire Archives
Buildings of Huddersfield ID:1203

Additional Information

The plans provide for the erection of temporary buildings to house earth closets at the rear of the temporary exhibition buildings. Thees too were designed by Hughes and were adjacent to the new buildings erected for the Technical School & Mechanics' Institution, which housed the Huddersfield Fine Art & Industrial Exhibition prior to the opening of the Technical School in 1884.

Plans deposited: Single sheet

  1. Plan & Elevations

(Plans received by W.Cooper)