Deposited Plan No. 1814

Manchester Road / Bankfield Road: Addition of 3 W.Cs, store room and Wash Kitchen to Premises


Deposited Plan Number:1814
Date:9 August 1888
Plans Register:1886-1899
Street:Manchester Road / Bankfield Road
Property Name / Number:property of Abraham Graham (3 double houses, 5 cottages, 2 shops) Built In 1870
Area:no data
Grid Reference:SE 1408 1618
Building Project:Addition of 3 W.Cs, store room and Wash Kitchen to Premises
Type:Domestic / Commercial
Applicant:Abraham Graham
Applicant Address:Manchester Road, Huddersfield
Architect:Abraham Graham
Architect Address:Manchester Road, Huddersfield
Status of Project:
Approved (21 August 1888)
Contractor:Abraham Graham [?]
Contractor Address:Manchester Road, Huddersfield
Work Commenced:no data
Work Completed:no data
Occupants:no data
Subsequent Alterations / History:Building Existing
English Heritage Listing:no data
Location of Archives:Kirklees West Yorkshire Archives
Buildings of Huddersfield ID:4089

Additional Information

Plans deposited: 2 sheets

  • block plan, floorplans ground / first / second & section (3 storey construction)

Drainage = 6" pot Pipes

Water = Corporation

Plans were disapproved on (10 August 1888 )but later approved on (21 August 1888).

Also see record for plan no .96, property of Abraham Graham (3 double houses, 5 cottages, 2 shops) Built In 1870, plan no. 1814 additional to.

Approximate Location

Online maps: National Library of Scotland Historic Maps | Old Maps UK | Google | Google Street View | Bing
The red marker indicates the approximate location of this record. Green and yellow dots are locations of other geotagged records, where yellow means the building was subsequently demolished.

What's Nearby?

The following records are located within 100 meters:
RecordDistance (feet & meters)
Manchester Road: Three Double Houses, Five Cottages, Two Shops, and Stable and Coach House (1870) - plan# 9646ft14m
Outcote Bank: Conversion of Present Building into Shop (1889) - plan# 191046ft14m
Manchester Road: Alterations to Contractors Office (1885) - plan# 140973ft22m
Bankfield Road / Manchester Road: Three Dwelling Houses and One Shop (1871) - plan# 13698ft30m
Bankfield Road: Raising Front Wall 3 feet to create attic bedrooms (1871) - plan# 20498ft30m
Manchester Road, corner Bankfield Road: Two Dwelling Houses (1869) - plan# 13131ft40m
Outcote Bank: Six Houses (1885) - plan# 1410135ft41m
Manchester Road / Outcot Bank: New Bake house (1887) - plan# 1633196ft60m
Bankfield Road: Two Dwelling Houses etc. (1881) - plan# 934219ft67m
Manchester Road: Conversion of Two Cottages into Shops and Dwellings (1893) - plan# 2249262ft80m
Bankfield Road: Conversion of one dwelling house into two with additions (1888) - plan# 1751280ft85m
Manchester Road: Shops and 2 Dwelling Houses (1898) - plan# 164294ft90m