Deposited Plan No. 95

Upper Aspley: Long Chimney


Deposited Plan Number:95
Date:12 May 1870
Plans Register:1869-1886
Street:Upper Aspley
Property Name / Number:Upper Asply Dyeworks
Area:Asply Basin
District:Central Ward
Grid Reference:SE 1508 1642
Building Project:Long Chimney
Type:Additions - industrial
Applicant:Isaac Robson & Sons
Applicant Address:Dalton
Architect:no data
Architect Address:no data
Status of Project:no data
Contractor:no data
Contractor Address:no data
Work Commenced:no data
Work Completed:no data
Occupants:no data
Subsequent Alterations / History:Demolished
English Heritage Listing:no data
Location of Archives:Kirklees West Yorkshire Archives
Buildings of Huddersfield ID:95

Additional Information


Approximate Location

Online maps: National Library of Scotland Historic Maps | Old Maps UK | Google | Google Street View | Bing
The red marker indicates the approximate location of this record. Green and yellow dots are locations of other geotagged records, where yellow means the building was subsequently demolished.

What's Nearby?

The following records are located within 100 meters:
RecordDistance (feet & meters)
Wakefield Road: No 40 - 48285ft87m
St. Andrew's Road: Coal Sheds (1883) - plan# 1173309ft94m
St. Andrew's Road: Enlargement of Coal Yard (1882) - plan# 1140309ft94m