Deposited Plan No. 1014

Westgate & St. George's Street: Alteration of Shop Front (Inc. addition of new large windows)


Deposited Plan Number:1014
Date:13 September 1881
Plans Register:1869-1886
Street:Westgate & St. George's Street
Property Name / Number:Harrison & Garthwaite's
Area:Town Centre
Grid Reference:SE 1429 1675
Building Project:Alteration of Shop Front (Inc. addition of new large windows)
Applicant:Harrison & Garthwaite
Applicant Address:Gown Works, Princess Street, Huddersfield
Architect:B.E. Entwistle
Architect Address:Huddersfield
Status of Project:
Contractor:no data
Contractor Address:no data
Work Commenced:no data
Work Completed:no data
Occupants:no data
Subsequent Alterations / History:Existing (building restoration / alteration in progress 2010/11)
English Heritage Listing:no data
Location of Archives:Kirklees West Yorkshire Archives
Buildings of Huddersfield ID:1015

Additional Information

Building formerly owned by Read Holliday & Sons, alterations include a new sign, door and addition of large plate glass windows.

Approximate Location

Online maps: National Library of Scotland Historic Maps | Old Maps UK | Google | Google Street View | Bing
The red marker indicates the approximate location of this record. Green and yellow dots are locations of other geotagged records, where yellow means the building was subsequently demolished.

What's Nearby?

The following records are located within 100 meters:
RecordDistance (feet & meters)
Westgate: No 34 - 42100ft31m
St. George's Square: No 1 and 3120ft37m
Half Moon Street / Upperhead Row: No 2 - 6 (Warehouse) (1870) - plan# 99137ft42m
Upperhead Row: No 1A161ft49m
St. George's Square: No 12 - 20 Warehouse170ft52m
Westgate: No 28 - 32181ft55m
Railway Street: No 2 - 6187ft57m
George Street: No 2234ft71m
Goods Yard, off New North Parade: Warehouse (1878) 266ft81m
Upperhead Row & Half Moon Street: Warehouse (1870) - plan# 99271ft82m
Market Street: No 1 and 3 (1913)286ft87m
Henry Street: No 8318ft97m
Westgate: Ramsden Estate Offices (& adjoining buildings) (1870) - plan# 142319ft97m
Market Street: Huddersfield Cloth Hall (1765)323ft98m
New North Road: New Pantry and Extension to Billiard Room (1893) - plan# 2301 324ft99m